The module is a separate billing & cost assuarance system supporting inter-operator exchange for telephony service providing.
Basic structures of subscriber-oriented billing, such as client, account, subscriber, are replaced by essences of partner and group of switch'es ports and routes. Tariff plan is an attribute of partner. The module supports both revenue and cost reporting.
Basic features:
- Partners inventory;
- Switch'es routes inventory;
- Revenue party tariff tables, B-codes management;
- Routes linkage to partners;
- Charging of calls for revenue party;
- Round of call duration;
- Free seconds in call;
- Invoicing;
- Cost tariff tables management;
- Charging of calls for cost party;
- Cost assuarance reporting.
Dispute module.
Dispute module provides capability for detail assurance of billing datas of inter-operator invoices. Features:
- Outgoing revenue party details generation on monthly or daily basis;
- Receiving of incoming files with cost party details from partners;
- Checking of incoming files;
- Call-to-call comparsion of revenue and cost parties;
- Assuarance protocol generation;
- Remove compartible calls from database.